In a new video interview Dr. Matthias Rath talks to Tom Zwitser from the Blue Tiger Europe team as part of its ‘Philosophy in Times of War’ series. Revealing the truth about the criminal nature of the pharmaceutical industry and its role in the perpetration of two world wars, Dr. Rath describes the function of the Brussels EU as the politburo for German patent laws and explains why stakeholders of pharmaceutical interests are actively preparing for a new global conflict. Published at a time when the people of the world are urgently seeking answers to the coronavirus crisis, this interview is essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand the bigger picture behind the Dr. Rath Health Foundation’s global mission of ‘Health for All’.
Posts published in “Natural therapies”
Watch this wonderful short documentary (English subtitles) about the man who found many treasures in plants and offers them to the people. A must see.
Thank you Josep Pàmies.
Comments welcome.
As more and more studies confirm, the gut is of the utmost importance to our overall health and immune system. And there is a lot of work to do, because millions of people suffer from gut diseases like candida, Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and more. And how many other diseases will eventually prove to have their starting point in the problematic gut? I guess this will be one of the most important health issues of the coming decennia.
At the same time we do know and most doctors will agree that the use of antibiotics is destroying the health (good bacteria) of the gut lining.
Probiotics become more accepted to help repair problematic gut conditions. The most natural way to heal the gut appears to be by diet. There are fermented foods like organic sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, lassi, etc., containing a lot of natural probiotics.
A remarkable person who went literally through this whole problem field and cured herself the natural way is Jini Patel, who wrote a complete program to cure gut diseases. She figured out specific diets for well defined gut conditions including sample menus and reference guides. A lot of real life examples are featured. The program consists of a book, a DVD with all the information you need to take action and get your gut back on track, like treatment plans, candida test, a food diary, printable charts, diets, etc. If you suffer from any gut related illness, this is a must read as far as I’m concerned. I went through it and found it really worthwhile. So, I became an affiliate of them. If you like getting more information, click this link to the official site of the Listen To Your Gut Program.
Please let me know by your comments below (no need to login) what you think of it and what your experiences are on the road to good gut health, the natural way.
Actually it’s probably less than 10% but we’ll never know exactly.
The problem with most science is that it is based on these ideas that we consider false:
- that one can only be sure of facts that are measurable
- that one can measure everything with existing equipment
- that one can only be sure of facts that are repeatable
- that ultimate truth exists
- that material and spirit are two different things
- that one gets objective, genuine results from industry sponsored research
- that something is impossible if it doesn’t fit in known theories
- that one can fool nature without understanding holistic laws
- that making disappear symptoms is curing desease
- that the doctor knows best and the patient be patient, shut their mouth and just obey
- that food should be different from medication
- that using chemicals that are isolated from their natural context will not destroy the body and health
I’ll never forget the argument of a philosopher, called Etienne Vermeersch, in a discussion about metaphysics on a national TV channel. He stated:
It cannot be true because it is impossible.
That is how a lot of scientists think. Isn’t this arrogant? It is costing a lot of lives, because therefore many good therapies are banned from hospitals and insurance, while they have proved to work.
Many years ago I used to deal a lot with the macrobiotic diet, once introduced by Georges Ohsawa from Japan, who died of a heart attack. The big question is whether it is beneficial for our health. Nowadays a lot of these points turned out to be not so healthy in my opinion. The main points that are at least food for discussion:
- Drink less and drink only when you are thirsty <— recent studies show that a lot of people don’t drink enough, elderly in particular, and drinking more (good) water is beneficial in general.
- Eat mostly grains <— it turns out that these grains, and particularly wheat, have foodstuffs in them as a defense by nature, to slow down digestion and lots of people have difficulties digesting the gluten in the grains.
- Use a lot of sea salt <— sea salt contains much more minerals than “kitchen salt”, but at the same time it is important to keep the work of the kidneys within moderate levels, without too much sea salt.
- Every kind of food can be put on a scale of yin and yang and used accordingly <— well, the world appears to be much more complicated than yin and yang. You can’t say this condition or that food is more yin or yang, because they are very complicated combinations and this simplistic yin-yang taxonomy just isn’t enough to be useful.
So after all, we learned a lot about healthy diets and personally dismissed this macrobiotic diet. Judge for yourself though. Nevertheless it’s quite possible that people increased their health with macrobiotics, because if you are living the average way of life with heaps of refined sugar, unhealthy fats, coke, beer, additives, meat, non-organic food, etc., any change in diet will be an improvement.
What are your experiences with macrobiotics? Your comments are much appreciated.
“Twelve hundred years ago the people of Tibet developed a comprehensive medical system. They understood how the mind affects the body. They knew subtle ways of changing the body’s chemistry with medicines made from plants and minerals. They blessed their medicines in lengthy rituals. And they encoded this knowledge in a series of elaborate paintings called thangkas. Blue Buddha: Lost Secrets of Tibetan Medicine traces the odyssey of traditional Tibetan medicine from it’s roots in ancient Tibet, to a worldwide interest in it’s traditional medical wisdom.
Ayurveda exists for more than 5000 years in India and was shaped into the superior form of healing that it is now. More and more, western therapists uncover this ancient art of healing. Deepak Chopra was the one who popularized Ayurveda a lot in the west, because in his lectures and practice he used a big part of Ayurveda principles.
The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body’s ability to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called “incurable” diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
Read more at the Gerson Institute.