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Posts published in “Vaccination”

Must see video Mike Yeadon — ultimate vax reality

Episode 4 of the documentary “Never Again Is Now Global”

Sit down for a moment and realize what is happening with our world and our lives. Be aware and watch out. Of course mainstream media will deny.


Belgium looking for 2000 COVID human guinea pigs

Are you interested?
You might think twice.

The big pharma industry and their allied universities are working on corona vaccines already for decades. They couldn’t come up with a safe and working vaccine. Now suddenly it seems to be easy? And going so fast?

Billions of US dollars are already paid to innocent citizens for their health damage and lost lives caused by vaccinations.
So, good luck if you want to be a guinea pig for big pharma. In this case the university of Ghent in Belgium.

We should do our due diligence about the real dangers of vaccines.
Mainstream media don’t, or at least don’t speak about it. A shame.


6 out of 10 doctors refuse their own vaccinations?!

Investigations in Belgian hospitals revealed that about 60% of doctors and medical personnel in hospitals are NOT vaccinated against the flu (source: VTM-news). What does that mean? That the very staff vaccinating the people don’t believe in it themselves or find it dangerous for their own health, right? Don’t tell us that they are not “aware” of the “necessity”. Of course the government wants this to change. So does the big pharma industry, as we can imagine …

Six out of ten doctors refuse vaccination

The world is full of “cases” where people got proved health damage from vaccinations. Why are governments never mentioning this? They call it safe and promote it indefinitely to the people. Besides, there is a lot of doubt about efficiency of vaccinations also.

What do you think? What are your experiences? Let us know in the comments.


Belgium pushes HPV vaccination for girls in schools, free

How to get a HPV vaccination score from ± 40 % coverage to ± 90 % of the twelve year old girls? Make it free and bring it to the schools. This is what is being announced in Flanders, the North part of Belgium. While there are a lot of adverse reports on the long term risks and even those immediately after vaccination. From Guillian-Barre-syndrome and loss of consciousness to permanent disability. It’s all there. But as always, no questions asked and focus is on the battle against cervical cancer instead of how to be healthy without pharmaceuticals.
Let’s hope parents inform themselves seriously before they act as the big pharma industry dictates.


National flu advisor does not get vaccination

The Belgian National Flu Commissioner and main advisor of the government, professor Marc Van Ranst, was interviewed on national TV station VRT on November 5th in the program “Koppen“. While he declares the swine flu vaccination “as safe as a vaccine can be”, when asked about his own vaccination and his baby’s, his answer is that they are in good health and they leave this stab for the people who need it more. The Belgian government ordered 12.6 million vaccination units, which is more than the number of Belgium’s residents.


Why are 29% of doctors refusing vaccination?

Al lot of general practitioners are just refusing the Swine Flu vaccination. And another 29 % were still in doubt, following a survey published in Healthcare Republic.

So we conclude that about half of the doctors may reject Swine flu vaccination. Why? Because they know or they have doubts about the dangers and they know that the vaccines are not tested thoroughly.

A lot has been published about the disastrous effects of ingredients in vaccines.


Vaccine ingredients

Here we have a leaflet from the Fluzone® vaccine. What do you think of these ingredients? Some dosage forms contain thimerosal. Thimerosal contains mercury, right? And mercury is a super poison, right?


List of countries forcing vaccination against swine flu, or not

Here we list countries with – as far as we know – their intent to force vaccination against H1N1 virus on general public, or not. In other words, will make it mandatory or won’t. We gather this information from all kinds of media and from our readers. So we do not recommend to trust on this too much, and what’s more, governments can change their minds any day. Still it’s good to know this when you want to take responsibility for your own health and the health of your family.


Vaccination more dangerous than swine flu

Free download: Swine flu poster
Free download: Swine flu poster

There are numerous reasons why we can safely conclude that swine flu vaccines against the H1N1 virus do more harm than good.

As mentioned in “Bild“, Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg, who is the chairman of the health committee of the German parliament, has serious doubts about these vaccines, which contains cancerous cells from animals. All over the world people are asking questions why we are supposed to get vaccinations against a flu that is at the same time less dangerous than the “normal” yearly seasonal flu.


Jane Bürgermeister charges against WHO, Baxter and others

Jane Bürgermeister was a European Correspondent for the website of Renewable Energy World, a position from which she was suddenly dismissed in July 2009 after filing a series of criminal charges against Baxter, WHO and others alleging bioterrorism with the intent to commit mass murder.

Check all charges .

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