Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, found out that the best way to solve global hunger is the agroecological approach.
That means agroforestry, mixed crop-livestock, biological pest control, intercropping, etc.

This is totally against the domination of food production by Monsanto and the likes, who are trying to force agriculture using their GMO seeds (claimed as intellectual property) and having about 50% of this market in their pocket already.
As Olivier De Schutter sees it, on the long run, agroecological farming techniques outperform modern mass production farming schemes, which are about genetically improved seeds, chemical fertilizers and extended use of machinery.
He brings together scientists, policymakers and farmers organizations to figure recommendations to the Committee on World Food Security.
This seems to be a hopeful evolution, thanks to professor De Schutter and his team.
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